Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
In-cooperation with USENIX
This page is now being maintained as an archive of past

SOUPS 2016
June 22-24, Denver, Colorado
Keynote: Lorrie Faith Cranor
Informing (Public) Policy
Distinguished Paper Award
- Snooping on Mobile Phones: Prevalence and Trends
- Diogo Marques (Universidade de Lisboa), Ildar Muslukhov (University of British Columbia), Tiago Guerreiro (Universidade de Lisboa), Konstantin Beznosov (University of British Columbia), Luís Carriço (Universidade de Lisboa)
IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award
- Follow My Recommendations: A Personalized Privacy Assistant for Mobile App Permissions
- Bin Liu, Mads Schaarup Andersen, Florian Schaub, Hazim Almuhimedi, Shikun Zhang, Norman Sadeh, Alessandro Acquisti. and Yuvraj Agarwal (Carnegie Mellon University)

SOUPS 2015
July 22-25, Ottawa, Canada, hosted by Carleton University
Keynote: Valerie Steeves
Online Privacy For Kids: What Works, What Doesn't
Distinguished Paper Award
- A Human Capital Model for Mitigating Security Analyst Burnout
- Sathya Chandran Sundaramurthy, Alexandru G. Bardas, Jacob Case, Xinming Ou, and Michael Wesch (Kansas State University), John McHugh (RedJack LLC), and Siva Raj Rajagopalan (Honeywell ACS)
IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award
- “My Data Just Goes Everywhere:” User Mental Models of the Internet and Implications for Privacy and Security
- Ruogu Kang (HCII, CMU), Laura Dabbish (HCII & Heinz, CMU), Nathaniel Fruchter (Heinz, CMU), and Sara Kiesler (HCII, CMU)

SOUPS 2014
July 9-11, Menlo Park, California, hosted by Facebook
Keynote: Chris Soghoian
Sharing the blame for the NSA's dragnet surveillance program [video]
SOUPS Impact Award
- Usability of CAPTCHAS Or usability issues in CAPTCHA design
- by Jeff Yan and Ahmad El Ahmad, published at
SOUPS 2008
Distinguished Paper Awards
- Crowdsourcing Attacks on Biometric Systems
- Saurabh Panjwani (Independent Consultant) and Achintya Prakash (University of Michigan)
- Understanding and Specifying Social Access Control Lists
- Mainack Mondal (MPI-SWS); Yabing Liu (Northeastern University); Bimal Viswanath, Krishna Gummadi (MPI-SWS); Alan Mislove (Northeastern University)
IAPP SOUPS Privacy Paper Award
- Would a privacy fundamentalist sell their DNA for $1000... if nothing bad happened thereafter? A study of the Westin categories, behavioral intentions, and consequences
- Allison Woodruff, Vasyl Pihur (Google); Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie Mellon University); Sunny Consolvo, Lauren Schmidt (Google); Laura Brandimarte (Carnegie Mellon University)

SOUPS 2013
July 24-26, Newcastle, UK, hosted by Northumbria University
Keynote: Harold Thimbleby
Security & safety overlaps
Distinguished Paper Awards
- Formal Definitions for Usable Access Control Rule Sets - From Goals to Metrics
- Matthias Beckerle (Technische Universität Darmstadt) and Leonardo Augusto Martucci (Karlstad University)
- Your Attention Please: Designing security-decision UIs to make genuine risks harder to ignore
- Cristian Bravo-Lillo, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Julie Downs, Saranga Komanduri, and Robert W. Reeder (Carnegie Mellon University), Stuart Schechter (Microsoft Research), and Manya Sleeper (Carnegie Mellon University)

SOUPS 2012
July 11-13, Washington DC, hosted by
Invited talk: Julie Brill
Privacy in the mobile world: A big task on a small screen
Best Paper Award
- Android Permissions: User Attention, Comprehension, and Behavior
- Adrienne Porter Felt, Elizabeth Ha, Serge Egelman, Ariel Haney, Erika Chin, David Wagner (UC Berkeley)

SOUPS 2011
July 20-22, Pittsburgh, PA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Invited talk: Edward Felten
Privacy Policy as a Usability Problem
Best Paper Award
- Heuristics for Evaluating IT Security Management Tools
- Pooya Jaferian (University of British Columbia), Kirstie Hawkey (Dalhousie University), Andreas Sotirakopoulos (UBC), Maria Velez-Rojas (CA Technologies), and Konstantin Beznosov (UBC)

SOUPS 2010
July 14-16, Redmond, WA, hosted by Microsoft
Invited talk: Adam Shostack
Engineers are People Too [slides (ppt)]
Best Paper Award
- Where Do Security Policies Come From?
- Dinei Florencio and Cormac Herley (Microsoft Research)

SOUPS 2009
July 15-17, Mountain View, CA, hosted by Google
Invited talk: Eric Sachs
Redirects to login pages are bad, or are they? [slides]
Best Paper Award
- Ubiquitous Systems and the Family: Thoughts about the Networked Home
- Linda Little, Elizabeth Sillence, and Pam Briggs (Northumbria University)

SOUPS 2008
July 23-25, Pittsburgh, PA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Invited talk: Ross Anderson
Towards a science of security and human behavior [slides (ppt)]
Best Paper Award
- Expressions of Expertness: The Virtuous Circle of Natural Language for Access Control Policy Specification
- Philip Inglesant, M. Angela Sasse, (University College London) David Chadwick, and Lei Lei Shi (University of Kent)

SOUPS 2007
July 18-20, Pittsburgh, PA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Invited talk: Marcia Lausen
Design for Democracy: Ballot + Election Design
Best Paper Award
- A Second Look at the Usability of Click-Based Graphical Passwords
- Sonia Chiasson, Robert Biddle, and P.C. van Oorschot (Carleton University)

SOUPS 2006
July 12-14, Pittsburgh, PA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Invited talk: Max Caceres
Exploiting Usability: Client Side Penetration Testing

SOUPS 2005
July 23-25, Pittsburgh, PA, hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Invited talk: Bill Cheswick
My Dad's Computer, Microsoft, and the Future of Internet Security